What The Logo Represents

The graphic in the FMH logo represents a cross-section view of a mustard seed.  The mustard seed is one of the smallest of seeds, yet produces a very grand tree that can be as tall as 20′ and equally wide.  F. Marie Hall chose the mustard seed as the Foundation’s logo as a symbolic reminder that great things can come from a small beginning. Her philosophy on philanthropy was that she wanted her giving to be the seed that she could plant and watch grow.

FMH Logo Policy

The FMH Logo represents the identity of the Foundation and is a visual connection to the Foundation.  Therefore, the FMH Foundation has set out guidelines for the use of the logo for publicity and/or marketing purposes.

1. Approval of the logo use in any publication, website or social media must be granted prior to printing or publishing. In addition, a proof of the final ad, acknowledgement or publicity piece with the logo must be approved by the Foundation prior to printing.

2. The text and graphic must always be treated as one logo.

3. The logo is a combination of specially drawn logo type and graphics. Each piece is a critical piece of the logo and must stay in the proper relationship to each other.

4. The logo is created using two colors: reflex blue and white. The logo should be in color in any publication that is created in color. Black and white representation of the logo can only occur if the publication or marketing piece is only printed in black and white.

5. The logo has been designed to reproduce well in a smaller size; however, the logo should never appear smaller than 72 pixels wide when used online or 1″ when used in print.

6. Reference to the Foundation in any media must be with the correct name, FMH Foundation. Miss Hall’s name should never be used when referring to the name of the Foundation.

Below are downloadable files and file specific information:

Logo: Pantone Reflex Blue (https://www.pantone.com/color-finder?q=reflex+blue)
RGB: 0,20,137
Hex/HTML: 001489
CMYK: 100,89,0,0